so our mission was to spot george clooney since he owns a place on lake como but the closest to a george clooney sighting was a possible private yatch or a possible private jet. 

then we headed for bellagio!
(madanglu-ers, this is where our favourite taiwanese restaurant in shanghai got its name from!i think...)
it's the little touristy town over looking lake como. this lake beats the 西湖 we saw in 杭州 anytime.hee.

como was nice and slow, good for retirement and when u become a movie star and can afford to buy a place by the lake, and make silly young girls spend extra money on weekend trips hoping to bump into you.
great pics!
i assume all is well.. drop me an email to let me know how u're doing la! if you have internet in a place like italy that is.. hehe just kidding.
miss you!
I'm here! [waves] i've bookmarked your page so i'm going to be regular here. I miss u. be good!
hahha, yes there is internet!and i will write u tonight i promise. i just got back from venice and am damn shagged from walking. i got lost in venice the three days that i was there.tell u more soon.
cheryl!!yay!finally ure bookmarking my pg right?hee
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