so it's true, what they say about the tuscan sky

fush and a picture of his land,which he is going to sell
to buy a ticket to singapore to become a construction worker
ok that's rubbish but it's really what the indian workers
in singapore do to come to singapore, right nabs?

anna and her japanese grandmamas

me: ok guys, pretend it's the last drop of water left on earth
marius: how do we do that?
fush: i cant believe we're actually entertaining her...
fush and a picture of his land,which he is going to sell
to buy a ticket to singapore to become a construction worker
ok that's rubbish but it's really what the indian workers
in singapore do to come to singapore, right nabs?
anna and her japanese grandmamas
me: ok guys, pretend it's the last drop of water left on earth
marius: how do we do that?
fush: i cant believe we're actually entertaining her...
pretty pics! looks like u had a real fun time in rome and san G. the the chinese steamboat must have been ooooooooh so good for u two! i think if there was this restaurant near my home in germany, i would've gone there like every week. joycee misses u! yippie for our class next term :)
hey joyceeee!im in deutscheland! a friend's house in freiberg(not freiburg) now and we went to seiffen today where they make pretty christmas decorations.fush bought a nutcracker.hee.heading to berlin tom n gg on the tour u reccommended on ur blog.we still use it for reference.hee.hope ure doing good in sch,not too drowned in
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